Deli Tire

Deli Tire S368

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1 reviews

The S368 from Deli Tire is a tire for green spaces suitable for trailers. The pattern of its tread made up of interlocking flat strips makes the tire flexible and preserves the ground. Ideal for use on grass (micro tractors and tillers).

1 customer comment
5 out of 5 stars
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Review by orsonnneau roger

Hello Due to a delivery error, I had a little trouble getting my tires, which is normal. I recommend this site. I just placed a new order for other tires (cars). Thank you and see you soon. Best regards, Roger

Review submitted on 14/03/2020 by orsonnneau roger following a purchase experience on 11/02/2020 Translated review submitted on 14/03/2020 by orsonnneau roger following a purchase experience on 11/02/2020 - View original (French) view the translated version (English)
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